The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR)
The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR) of Marine Contractor PT Pertamina Hulu Energi @phe.pertamina OSES
1. Best Company on Akhlak Implementation 2024 2. Best Master 2024 - Capt Bagiyanto 3. Best Drill Campaign 2024 - AHTS Parakan 4. Best Company on Kartu Pinter Contribution 5. Best Company of Sika Implementation
Terimakasih untuk dukungan seluruh dari kru, karyawan dan stakeholder semua 🙏
PT Baruna Raya Logistics, established on January 22, 1974, marks its 51st anniversary as a prominent vessel-owning and operating company in Indonesia's oil and gas industry. The company has built a strong reputation for reliability and trustworthiness within a dynamic sector that is critical to the nation's economy.